DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT THREE 36. 37 CONTINUED: The Vedek then places his hand on a scanner, which temporarily GLOWS around his fingers. The forcefield FRITZES OFF. OSSAN Come. Bareil steps up to the altar... Ossan grasps his ear. OSSAN Your pagh is strong. You're ready to face the will of the Prophets. 38 CLOSE ON BAREIL as he glances uneasily at Kira, who offers him an encouraging smile. Bareil turns to face the orb case, takes a deep breath, then OPENS it. BLUE ORB LIGHT SHIMMERS across his face -- 39 THE ORB (OPTICAL) Its radiance increases. 40 BAREIL His face suddenly softens. His eyes widen. His mouth opens slightly in awe. CUT TO: 41 INT. REPLIMAT Kira takes a Raktajino and a Kava roll from the replicator and brings it over to where Bareil is sitting, lost in thought. She sets the food down in front of him, momentarily shaking him out of his reverie.