33:[1,#b],55:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT THREE 33. 34 CONTINUED: KIRA You mean dinner? We had a great time. Why? Bashir gives Dax a pot-calling-the-kettle-black look. BASHIR She means after dinner. But you don't have to answer that question -- we wouldn't want to invade your privacy. DAX But, if you want to tell us about it -- we'll listen. Kira looks at all of her friends, then smiles. KIRA It went... well. DAX (to Worf) I told you. WORF I never doubted it. There's a pregnant pause before everyone goes back about their business. BASHIR Well, I'd better get back to the Infirmary... (to Kira) ... unless there are any more details forthcoming. KIRA Good-bye, Doctor. Bashir takes his cue and EXITS as Kira turns her attention to her console.