93:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT THREE 32. 33 CONTINUED: (2) And as they both slip out of bed, we go to -- 34 INT. OPS Dax and Worf are at their stations. BASHIR is there too, handing Dax a PADD. BASHIR My medical requisitions. Bashir's eyes sweep the room. DAX Why didn't you just download them into the computer? BASHIR I don't know... I just thought I'd stretch my legs... see what's happening in Ops. DAX Kira hasn't shown up yet. BASHIR (all innocence) Kira? DAX You are so transparent. BASHIR I don't know what you're talking about. WORF Your guilt is quite clear, Doctor. BASHIR Guilt? About what -- medical requisitions? Don't be ridiculous. DAX Julian -- Kira's personal life is her own. We're her friends and we should respect her privacy. The doors OPEN and Kira ENTERS, all eyes upon her. DAX (without missing a beat) Morning, Nerys. How'd things go last night?