DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT TWO 23. 28 CONTINUED: (2) Kira nods. There's an awkward beat between them. Finally: BAREIL Thank you, major. He takes a couple of steps away before Kira impulsively calls out to him. KIRA Bareil. (after he turns to face her) Do you like Klingon food? And before he can answer, we go to -- 29 INT. DAX AND WORF'S QUARTERS We open on Bareil taking a long gulp of bloodwine, mid-story: BAREIL An hour later, the Klingon guard returned to my cell. And as he... 30 NEW ANGLE to see Kira, Dax and Worf seated around a dinner table, clearly entertained by Bareil's tale. BAREIL (remembering) ... put down my "last meal"... I slipped his mek'leth out of his scabbard and hid it in my shirt. That night, I used the blade to deactivate the sensor alarm, and used my earring to open the cell door. (a beat) By the time they realized I was gone, I was halfway to the Ventar system.