162:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT TWO 20. 23 CONTINUED: BAREIL I plan on making a new life for myself here and I'm going to need all the help I can get. Kira nods -- she can understand his outlook. The eerie SOUND of the T'fan (a traditional Bajoran wind instrument that sounds like a haunting cross between an Australian didgeridoo and a Hebrew shofar) abruptly attracts Bareil's attention. 24 THE TEMPLE ENTRANCE The Monk playing the T'fan leads a small procession carrying an orb case toward the dais. BAREIL (quietly) What's in the box? KIRA The Orb of Prophecy and Change. 25 KIRA AND BAREIL both face the procession, occasionally glancing at each other and SPEAKING IN WHISPERS. BAREIL "Orb?" KIRA A gift from the Prophets. It can foresee the future -- or a possible future, anyway. BAREIL That could come in handy. (a beat) Who are the Prophets? This makes her smile. KIRA Our gods. You do have gods, don't you? BAREIL Of course we do. KIRA You don't sound too sure.