DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT TWO 19. 20 CONTINUED: (2) And with that, she moves away toward the shrine. We HOLD ON a thoughtful Bareil watching her walk away. 21 INT. BAJORAN SHRINE Kira is standing amidst a gathering of BAJORANS listening to Vedek Ossan recite the traditional words of the service. Ceremonial candles light the area around him. OSSAN Tolata impara no takash... with humility and gratitude, we accept this gift... The Vedek turns to face the shrine entrance, raises his arms and calls out. OSSAN ... Veshanoo yavar ha iktasho... the sacred Orb of Prophecy. The congregation rises, turns to face... 22 THE SHRINE ENTRANCE where a pair of ACOLYTES ENTER, RINGING prayer chimes. Following them, TWO BAJORAN SECURITY GUARDS take stations next to the doorway. 23 KIRA becomes aware of a small commotion around her. She turns and finds Bareil standing next to her. KIRA (low, surprised) What are you doing here? BAREIL (whispering) I figured I could use a little spiritual guidance. KIRA That's not funny. BAREIL It wasn't meant to be. Kira looks at him intently.