12:[2,#b],142:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 11 INT. OPS - CONTINUOUS Bareil gets to his feet, forcing Kira up with him placing the weapon at her back and using her body as a shield. SISKO (to Bareil) What do you want? BAREIL A fast ship would be nice. SISKO (tapping his combadge) Security, we have a hostage situation. Clear a path to Landing Pad A. Authorization Sisko seven-one-green. ODO'S COM VOICE Seven-one-green acknowledged, captain. SISKO (to Bareil) Your runabout's waiting. BAREIL (to Kira) Let's go. Bareil and Kira step off the transporter pad. Bareil's careful to keep his back to the bulkhead. SISKO Hurt her and you'll never get off this station, I promise you that. BAREIL Follow me and she dies -- I promise you that. 12 BAREIL AND KIRA move toward the doors leading to the corridor. As they pass Kira's desk --