DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - TEASER 4. 5 INT. OPS - CONTINUOUS As Kira and Dax head for the replicator. WORF and O'BRIEN are manning their consoles as are the needed SUPERNUMERARIES. DAX I'll tell Worf you said so. WORF Tell me what? DAX (to Worf) Don't be so nosy. 6 CLOSE ON KIRA AND DAX at the replicator. KIRA Two raktajinos. Extra strong. And a Kava roll. DAX (sotto) You could always invite Odo... Kira gives Dax a reprimanding look. DAX ... as a friend. KIRA (quietly, but firmly) I'm not ready for that. Odo's not ready for that. Let's just forget you ever brought it up. I'm coming to dinner -- alone. Got it? DAX I got it. Three place settings. KIRA (handing Dax her cup) I'll bring the wine. Kira moves off to her station. 7 AT ENGINEERING O'Brien reacts to a console display, works his panel.