DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 62. 40 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL A pair of N.D. Klingons are beating a steady rhythm on their drums near the now vine-bedecked railing. MOVE TO REVEAL that Quark's has now been converted into a full-blown Klingon wedding chapel. The room is crammed with PEOPLE from all over the station and lit only by torches and candlelight. Sisko, Bashir, O'Brien and Martok are in the front row, wearing their ceremonial robes and all clutching their Ma'Stakas. Alexander is carrying two brightly polished bat'leths. Odo, Kira, Jake, Nog, Leeta, Rom, Quark and Morn can be seen in the crowd. Everyone is looking at Sirella, who is standing in the middle of the room on a raised platform. Worf is standing nearby. Worf and Sirella are both wearing special costumes for the wedding which should be different in style and color from anything else we've ever seen on a Klingon. Sirella raises a hand and the drumming DIES AWAY SLOWLY. Sirella should have the assembled crowd in the palm of her hand as she conducts the ceremony. SIRELLA With fire and steel did the gods forge the Klingon heart. So fiercely did it beat, so loud was the sound, that the gods cried out, "On this day we have brought forth the strongest heart in all the heavens. None can stand before it without trembling at its strength." But then the Klingon heart weakened, its steady rhythm faltered and the gods said, "Why do you weaken so? We have made you the strongest in all of creation." Worf steps up onto the platform. SIRELLA (continuing) And the heart said... WORF "I... am alone." SIRELLA And the gods knew that they had erred. So they went back to their forge and brought forth another heart...