DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 31 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Toruk-DOH! [A particularly vile Klingon curse] Sirella reacts purely on instinct -- she PULLS the dagger from her belt, but Dax is ready for her and she CHOPS the knife to the floor with one hand and HITS Sirella squarely in the jaw with her other hand. Sirella staggers back and gives Nog and one of the Bajoran Deputies a chance to step in between them. NOG Ladies, please! Why don't we let-- Sirella shoves Nog aside, but makes no move to take on the Deputy, who has a hand on his weapon. SIRELLA Mok'Ta vor, kash a'VEH! (You are an enemy of my House!] Sirella spits on the ground, then marches out through the shocked crowd. There's moment of stunned silence before Dax looks around with a cool expression. DAX What are you all standing around for? The party's just getting started. (an order, to band) Play something. The band starts PLAYING again, and the crowd goes back to enjoying themselves. DISSOLVE TO: