DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 43. 28 QUARK & JAKE are watching Dax play with the band. Dax is throwing herself into the music, which gets faster and faster and faster. JAKE A woman of many talents. QUARK It's a shame she's about to waste them all on that walking frown she calls a fiancee. She's too good for him -- I've said that from the beginning. JAKE Are you jealous? QUARK There's no profit in jealousy. JAKE That's not a denial. For once, Quark can't even make up a lie to cover. QUARK It's not to be quoted, either. JAKE Don't worry. (beat) So when did you first realize you had these feelings for Dax? 29 INT. HOLOSUITE CAVE - A PAIR OF BOOTS Are dangling about two feet off the cavern floor, which has been strewn with GLOWING COALS. As the CAMERA PANS to the right, we see another pair of boots and then another, all above the glowing hot embers on the floor. Finally we MOVE up to REVEAL Bashir and O'Brien are hanging above the cavern floor. Their wrists are locked in ornate manacles and are attached to CHAINS leading somewhere up to the ceiling. They both look hot, sweaty and extremely uncomfortable. BASHIR Miles?