209:[1,#b] DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 30. 18A CONTINUED: With great effort and strain, Dax carefully lowers the braziers onto two short Klingon columns that have been placed to either side of Dax. Sirella is watching her complete the ceremony with an unimpressed expression. Dax flexes her arms gratefully and examines her hands for blisters while Sirella inspects the placement of the braziers on the columns. SIRELLA Again. DAX I've done it three times already. SIRELLA You continue to rush through the ceremony, your body position is poor and the placement of the braziers on their pedestals is sloppy. DAX Do you know how heavy those things are? SIRELLA A Klingon woman would not complain. DAX You wouldn't make a Klingon woman do it three times in a row. SIRELLA I wouldn't have to. She would've done it correctly the first time. (beat) End this now, Jadzia. Go back to your own people. They will tolerate your failings and your weaknesses in a way that a Klingon family never will. In our House, you would always be an alien... an outsider... at best, you'd be an object of pity. But you'd never be accepted... never an equal... because you can never truly be one of us. A deep, cold anger builds in Dax's heart as she glares at this woman. With barely restrained fury, she stands between the two columns again and starts the ritual once more.