DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 29. 18 CONTINUED: (2) Alexander moves back to his place on the floor, while O'Brien, and Bashir exchange sour looks. MARTOK Of course, we can't expect you... non-Klingons to have the same stamina as we do. If you wish to quit, no one will think any less of you. BASHIR Who said anything about quitting? SISKO Not me. O'BRIEN I like the heat. MARTOK That's the spirit! (starts singing) Kaaa vek ko lee ko... Worf joins in and as the two Klingons sing, the three humans eye each other with annoyance that none of them wanted to bow out first. Alexander is struggling not to pass out again. MARTOK & WORF Eh to che mah lo... Tah oo-wah kah esh to pah deh ah reee! Yah bosh- ah! Yah bosh-ah!, Yah bosh tomah!... CUT TO: 18A INT. DAX'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON DAX As she stares up at something o.s. She's straining to do something, and there's a fair amount of sweat on her face as she struggles to keep her voice clear and steady. DAX (difficult) Al'Qoch... mensah... t'lang... cho. WIDEN to reveal that Dax (in her uniform shirt, but not jacket) is standing in the middle of the room, with her arms straight out to either side of her body holding a PAIR of heavy BRAZIERS filled with glowing embers.