DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT ONE 17. 12 CONTINUED: DAX Yes Worf, I traveled to Kronos, captured three targs in the Hamar Mountains, made the ritual sacrifice at dawn, came back to the station, and asked Quark to boil their shoulders into tallow. Then I spent two days molding them into candles with my own hands. WORF I was just asking. DAX No, you were criticizing. Again. (beat) Relax. She's not going to reject a prospective daughter because the var'Hama candles in her welcoming display were replicated. (the door CHIMES) Come in. Sirella ENTERS. Dax immediately smiles at her and smoothly offers the ritualistic greeting with a bow of her head. DAX Tuq son bosh mok A'Beh Sirella koh. E'Gagh vet moh. [Enter my home and be welcome, Mistress Sirella. May you find it worthy.] SIRELLA Eck'taH roh masa qee'Plok. [May this be the first of many visits.] (re: Worf) What is he doing here? WORF I meant no disrespect. SIRELLA Then leave.