DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 6. 5 INT. QUARK'S It's a busy day in the bar. ALEXANDER is sitting at a table with DAX and WORF. Alexander is regaling Dax with his stories of woe from the Rotarran, while Worf listens tolerantly. They've almost finished their drinks. ALEXANDER ... but when he ordered me to bring the system back on-line I thought he was still talking about the hydro-static system so... DAX You didn't engage the pumps while the check valves were open? WORF He did. ALEXANDER I flooded the entire deck with superheated hydraulic fluid. Dax laughs and Alexander is clearly comfortable by now at making jokes at his own expense. Even Worf has a slight grin on his face. ALEXANDER It took me three days to clean it up, but I swear it still smells like burnt dog hair in there. DAX Remind me to keep you away from the Defiant. You're a menace. ALEXANDER The Rotarran's crew actually thinks of me as a good luck charm. The more mistakes I make, the safer they feel. I hope the Ya'Vang's crew feels the same way. WORF The Ya'Vang? ALEXANDER I got new orders this morning. The battle cruiser Ya'Vang took heavy losses in their last engagement.