DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited... " - REV. 9/23/97 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: SISKO Anything else? KIRA General Martok's waiting for you in your office. SISKO (hands back the PADD) I'll start with the general. KIRA Thought you might. Sisko heads for his office, then pauses to look around Ops for a beat. He just can't help but smile one more time. SISKO Have I mentioned it's good to be home? KIRA Once or twice. Sisko EXITS to... 4 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Sisko ENTERS to find GENERAL MARTOK sitting on the couch glaring at him. MARTOK You knew about this, didn't you? SISKO I had a pretty good idea. MARTOK And you did nothing to stop it? SISKO No. In fact... I recommended you for the position. Martok sags back on the couch for a moment, his worst fears confirmed. Sisko doesn't seem too worried -- in fact, he can barely keep a smile off his face.