131:[3,#b] DS9: "The Sacrifice of Angels" - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 59. 107 ON DUKAT cradling his daughter's body, gently rocking back and forth as if that will keep her from leaving him. And off this tableau, we go to -- 108 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) No longer Terok Nor, the station is surrounded by Federation ships, including the Defiant. 109 INT. PROMENADE as the airlock door opens and Sisko, Dax, O'Brien, Bashir, Garak, Nog and several other Defiant crewmembers come out to be met by Odo, Quark, Jake, Rom, Leeta, and a large group of very happy Bajorans welcoming them back to Deep Space Nine. Sisko and Jake give each other a bear hug. In fact, there's a lot of hugging, CHEERING, and slapping of backs. This is VICTORY! ODO Welcome back, captain. SISKO It's good to see you, Odo. (scanning those gathered) It's good to see all of you. 110 ANGLE ON WORF AND MARTOK as they come out of the airlock, followed by some of their crew. MARTOK (to Sisko) It appears I owe you a barrel of bloodwine, captain. SISKO We'll drink it together. DAX Worf! The two lovers embrace.