55:[1,#b] DS9: "The Sacrifice of Angels" - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 103 CONTINUED: WEYOUN Step aside. Make way for the Founder. And in response, Jem'Hadar troops cut a path for them through the lines of soldiers evacuating. WEYOUN What about Odo -- is he coming with us? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (stern) No. But he will join us one day... it's only a matter of time. Weyoun and the Female Shape-shifter EXIT into the airlock. 104 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Dukat, still looking for Ziyal, is headed for his quarters, hoping to find her there. He's a man who's lost everything, looking for something to hang on to. ZIYAL (O.S.) Father! Dukat looks up to see his daughter standing on the other end of the corridor. Seeing his daughter is like a lifeline being thrown to a drowning man. Her rushes to her. DUKAT Ziyal. They approach one another. He hugs her fiercely -- afraid to lose her as well. ZIYAL I've been looking for you. I heard about the evacuation. Dukat brightens, this is what he was hoping for -- a sign that his daughter still cares for him. DUKAT You're all I have -- all I care about.