DS9: "The Sacrifice of Angels" - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 82 CONTINUED: JAKE ALIEN He arrives with questions. 83 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) The alien Kira stands at the other end of the Ops table from Sisko. KIRA ALIEN There are always questions. SISKO I didn't ask to come here. 84 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) An alien Dukat sits behind the captain's desk, holding Sisko's baseball. DUKAT ALIEN You desire to end the game. SISKO What game? I don't understand. 85 INT. WARDROOM (OPTICAL) An alien Weyoun stands with his hands behind his back. WEYOUN ALIEN You seek to shed your corporeal existence. 86 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) An alien Damar sits at the helm in the otherwise empty ship. DAMAR ALIEN That cannot be allowed. 87 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) Odo alien and Sisko.