DS9: "The Sacrifice of Angels" - REV. 9/23/97 - ACT TWO 20. 27A CONTINUED: (3) WEYOUN (trying to understand) Then you kill them? DUKAT Only if necessary. Weyoun doesn't really buy any of this, but wants to see where it plays out. WEYOUN I had no idea... DUKAT (half to himself) Perhaps the biggest disappointment in my life is that the Bajoran people still refuse to appreciate how lucky they were to have me as their liberator. I protected them in so many ways... cared for them as if they were my own children. (a beat) But to this day, is there a single statue of me on Bajor? WEYOUN I would guess not. DUKAT And you'd be right. Dukat looks down at the baseball in his hand. DUKAT Take Captain Sisko -- an otherwise intelligent and perceptive man -- even he refuses to grant me the respect I deserve. Vastly entertained, Weyoun smiles. DUKAT You find that amusing. WEYOUN Not at all. I find it fascinating.