14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Favor the Bold" - REV. 9/5/97 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 24 INT. WARDROOM WEYOUN is leaning against the table, closely studying one of Ziyal's minimalist, ink brush paintings. It seems to puzzle him. The door OPENS, Kira ENTERS. WEYOUN (without looking up) You asked to see me, major? KIRA That's right. But before she can explain what she wants, Weyoun holds the painting up for her to see. WEYOUN First, tell me something. What do you think of this? KIRA It's one of Ziyal's paintings. WEYOUN I know who the artist is. Her father gave it to me. He claims that it won some sort of prize on Cardassia. KIRA (poker-faced) Gul Dukat must be very proud. WEYOUN I suppose. (sincere) Is it any good?