DEEP SPACE NINE: "Favor the Bold" - REV. 9/5/97 - ACT ONE 14. 19 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Kira and Quark walk briskly down the hallway. QUARK I keep telling myself that Odo never meant for Rom to get arrested... that it was all a mistake. Bad timing. Bad luck. KIRA That's what I thought, too -- at first. QUARK I've known Odo a long time... he's not a collaborator. KIRA Then why's your brother still in a holding cell? A good question to which he doesn't have an answer. They continue walking, disappearing around a corner. 20 INT. ANOTHER HABITAT RING CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Kira and Quark approach a JEM'HADAR SOLDIER and BAJORAN SECURITY OFFICER, standing guard at the entrance of Odo's Quarters. QUARK We're here to see Odo. JEM'HADAR SOLDIER The Founders are not to be disturbed. QUARK Odo will make an exception for us. JEM'HADAR SOLDIER There are no exceptions. KIRA I'd like to hear that from Odo.