DEEP SPACE NINE: "Favor the Bold" - REV. 9/5/97 - TEASER 6. 11 CONTINUED: DAX I don't know what all you brass hats in Starfleet Command are thinking, but take it from a simple field officer, we're not going to win this war by running away from the enemy. Sisko chooses to remain silent, allowing Dax to continue to vent. DAX Benjamin -- troop morale is at an all-time low. Even the Klingons are starting to wonder if we can defeat the Dominion. We need a victory -- a big victory. And we need it soon! SISKO I couldn't agree with you more. DAX (pounding her fist on his desk) Then do something about it. SISKO I have. This catches Dax somewhat flat-footed; she looks at Sisko expectantly. SISKO In fact, I'm presenting a plan to Starfleet Command at oh-eight- hundred, tomorrow. DAX What plan? 12 ANGLE ON SISKO as he taps a panel and a graphic of Deep Space Nine surrounded by "attacking" Federation forces appears on the wall monitor.