DEEP SPACE NINE: "Behind the Lines" - REV. 8/21/97 - ACT FOUR 51. 36 CONTINUED: (2) To Kira's dismay, the two Cardassians come to a stop outside a nearby door and start talking to each other about something. Kira realizes she's going to have to come up with a way to get out of there. KIRA I didn't order any fruit. Rom blanches -- she seems to be denying his cover story. KIRA Your brother sent this, didn't he? ROM Uh... KIRA If he's trying to win me over, tell him it's not going to work. Rom has no idea what he's supposed to say to this -- KIRA Better yet, I'll tell him myself. She grabs Rom and yanks him down the corridor... off this moment... 37 INT. A SECOND HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Kira, Rom and the Fruit Basket make their way down it. They come to a juncture near a conduit entrance hatch, look both ways to see if anyone's coming. Kira pulls the hatch cover off; as Rom climbs inside, fruit basket and all... KIRA Odo should be on his way to his office by now. Remember, he's going to interrupt the sensor alarms at exactly eight hundred hours. ROM I'll be ready. KIRA I'll contact you if there's a problem. (beat) Good luck with your delivery... As Rom disappears inside the conduit, Kira replaces the hatch... off her face as she starts away...