19:[2,#b],129:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Behind the Lines" - REV. 8/21/97 - ACT FOUR 43. 31 CONTINUED: KIRA About the deflector array -- is there any way to use it to deactivate the mines? ROM (confident) No. I designed the mines to be self-replicating. The only way to keep them from replacing themselves is to isolate them in an anti-graviton beam. The deflector array can't do that. Suddenly something occurs to him... ROM Unless you reconfigured the field generators... (confidence crumbling) -- and re-focused the emitters... (deflated) Which would turn the deflector array into one big anti-graviton beam... QUARK (annoyed) Why didn't you think of that when you set up the minefield? ROM (at a loss) I don't know... QUARK (shaking his head) He doesn't know. KIRA (shutting him up) Quark. (to Rom) How can we disable the deflector array? ROM All you have to do to is access the EPS feed and overload the waveguide. KIRA Let's do it.