109:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Behind the Lines" - REV. 8/21/97 - ACT TWO 26. 19 CONTINUED: (3) There, he said it -- something he's never been able to say to anyone else. ODO I'm so vulnerable to her... all she has to do is smile at me and I'm happy beyond reason... a minor disagreement between us and I'm devastated. (angry with himself) It's absurd. Sometimes I wish I could reach inside myself and tear out my feelings for her. But I can't. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (moving to him) Poor Odo. ODO I don't want your pity. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I'm not offering pity. ODO (exasperated) What I need is some peace. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What you need is clarity. I can give you that... She takes his hand. He looks at her, realizing what she's offering. She studies his face, ready to pull away if that's what he wants. But Odo says nothing. 20 CLOSE - THEIR HANDS (OPTICAL) As hers begins to MORPH around his still solid flesh... 21 CLOSE - THEIR FACES Just inches apart. We hear the SOUND of the morph continuing off-screen. Even though Odo has yet to release his shape and meld with her, the effect of her touch is profound. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Do you want me to stop... ?