86:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Behind the Lines" - REV. 8/21/97 - ACT TWO 20. 16 CONTINUED: ROSS Your assignment is effective immediately. It takes Sisko a moment to realize what this means -- SISKO Immediately, sir? What about the Argolis mission? ROSS (no problem) Commander Dax will captain the Defiant. Something shifts in Sisko's mind -- when it was his mission it was a risk worth taking, now it suddenly seems so much more dangerous. Ross sees something flicker across Sisko's features, misinterprets it. ROSS She is up to it, isn't she? SISKO (without hesitation) Absolutely, sir. (beat) I guess I'd just gotten used to the idea of commanding the mission myself. Ross is a busy man... as far as he's concerned the matter is settled. Indicating a few PADDs on his desk -- ROSS Look over these tactical reports. I want your thoughts on the Bolian operation. We'll meet here at oh- six hundred.