DEEP SPACE NINE: "Behind the Lines" - REV. 8/21/97 - ACT ONE 12. 9A CONTINUED: (2) Ross dismisses him with a nod, turns to his desk monitor. He's a busy man, and the Defiant's mission isn't the only thing on his plate. Sisko EXITS, a confident stride in his step... 10 OMITTED 11 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. Dominion ships come and go. 12 INT. SECURITY OFFICE where Odo is pacing behind his desk when Kira ENTERS. KIRA You wanted to see me? Odo is angry with her, but he's playing it close to the vest. He looks at her as if he's expecting her to apologize to him. After a beat. ODO Well? (off her blank look) Don't you have something to say to me?