242:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Behind the Lines" - REV. 8/21/97 - TEASER 7. 5 CONTINUED: (4) KIRA (to Rom) Why's he pointing at that table? ROM Because that's where he found it. (pleased) Right were I left it. As they watch, the exchange grows more heated -- nearby Cardassians stand and move to Damar's side, ready to join in if there's trouble. KIRA I knew this was going to work. The Cardassians and Jem'Hadar may pretend to be allies, but they hate each other. Not knowing what he's getting into, Quark moves to try to diffuse the situation. Damar roughly shoves Quark aside, sending him flying across the bar. Rom winces -- ROM Ow. Suddenly Damar and the Jem'Hadar Third lunge at each other. A split second later, their men do the same. Patrons scramble to get out of the way. We CUT DOWN to the first level as chaos erupts -- after a few vicious swipes at each other, a Jem'Hadar pulls his KNIFE and slashes a Cardassian. Some Cardassians out on the Promenade realize what's happening and rush in -- seeing that their comrades are no match for the Jem'Hadar, a Cardassian pulls his RIFLE and FIRES at a Jem'Hadar inside, killing him in a burst of SPARKS. Another Jem'Hadar swings around with his own weapon and FIRES back. As the situation escalates, Kira and Rom react -- this is bigger than they expected. Off this moment, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER