DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 51. 69 NOG is up in a hidden location on the canyon walls, watching the Jem'Hadar over the sights of his phaser. Bashir can be seen a short distance away. 70 REMATA'KLAN keeps marching his men through the canyon. 71 NEELEY is watching them from her own hiding place. Garak is nearby, and Gordon is in the b.g. 72 SISKO & O'BRIEN are watching and waiting for exactly the right moment as the Jem'Hadar stride into the very center of the canyon... 73 THE JEM'HADAR are walking along. Suddenly they hear: SISKO'S VOICE Remata'Klan! The Jem'Hadar whirl toward his voice, all weapons at the ready, but they can't see him. SISKO'S VOICE I want to talk! Remata'Klan pauses for a moment. REMATA'KLAN Agreed! (to Limara'Son) Hold this position. Do not fire unless they do. LIMARA'SON Understood. Remata'Klan turns and walks toward Sisko, who's now come partway down the ridge to meet Remata'Klan halfway. 74 SISKO & REMATA'KLAN stop a short distance away from each other.