14:[2,#b],139:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 65 INT. STARFLEET CAVERN - NIGHT Sisko has drawn up a diagram in the sandy cavern floor identical to the one that the Vorta started to draw for him at the end of Act Four. Garak, Nog, Bashir, O'Brien, Gordon and Neeley are gathered around and Dax is awake and listening. SISKO ... and once they've reached this point... we'll have them in a crossfire. A grim beat. GORDON They won't have a chance. GARAK That is the idea. In case you've forgotten we're in a war and they're the enemy. Sisko stares down at the diagram in the sand and lets his troops air their opinions for a moment. O'BRIEN There are rules, even in war, Garak. GARAK Correction -- -humans have rules in war. Rules that tend to make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion. GORDON So we just... shoot them down? NEELEY They wouldn't hesitate if the situation was reversed. NOG But we're not Jem'Hadar. Don't we have a duty to -- SISKO This isn't a vote.