244:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT FOUR 41. 59 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS It's the next morning. Kira is lying awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling. It's hard to say how long she's been awake. The Computer Voice finally speaks. COMPUTER VOICE The time is zero five hundred hours. Kira swings her legs out of bed and stands. But there's no power behind her movements today, no strength of will, just the familiar pattern of routine as she looks into the mirror and stares at her image... leans in closer to examine the eyes... and today, no smile appears on her face. CUT TO: 60 INT. CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT Kira is waiting outside the turbolift doors, carrying a PADD. The doors OPEN and she ENTERS to find the usual morning crowd of N.D. Cardassians and Jem'Hadar. To the other passengers, this is just another morning, but something has changed in Kira. The death of Yassim is heavy on her mind and she avoids eye contact with everyone in the lift. CUT TO: 61 INT. OPS The turbolift ENTERS Ops and Kira gets off along with everyone else. The normal routine proceeds as the duty shift changes. Kira heads to her console. The N.D. Cardassian approaches with a cup of raktajino and Kira takes it by rote. KIRA Thanks, Mavek. She lifts the mug to her lips, but as she does so she lifts her eyes and looks around -- really looks around -- Ops as if for the very first time.