14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 41 EXT. ALIEN SHORELINE THREE (OPTICAL) THE STARFLEET OFFICERS are pinned down behind the rocky outcropping. Everyone is returning FIRE up at the cliffs. 42 THE CLIFFS (OPTICAL) Jem'Hadar Soldiers can be seen FIRING and then dropping back into cover. 43 SISKO (OPTICAL) fires a burst, then drops back behind the rock as a Jem'Hadar blast BLOWS AWAY a sizable chunk of the protective rock. O'Brien is right next to Sisko. Sisko FIRES again at the cliffs. 44 OMITTED 45 ON THE CLIFFS - REMATA'KLAN (OPTICAL) Remata'Klan is trying to get control of his men, who are FIRING down at the beach with a murderous fury. REMATA I KLAN Terminate fire! Terminate! He HITS one of his men and knocks him to the ground. This action seems to wake up Limara'Son, who immediately stops firing, but one man does not. Limara'Son turns on him and points his disruptor right at his head. LIMARA'SON You've been ordered to stop! With a noticeable effort, the man stops firing. In a moment, all the Jem'Hadar have ceased firing and they crouch down looking for cover as the Starfleet FIRE continues to pepper the cliffs around them.