DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT TWO 25. 29 INT. STARFLEET CAVERN - DAY O'Brien is examining a piece of Dominion equipment while Sisko looks on. Dax is sleeping in the b.g. and Bashir is sitting nearby, watching over her. O'BRIEN With a little luck, I might be able to hardwire one of our combadges into this sensor relay. That would give us a crude transmitter, but no power source. SISKO What about draining one of our phasers? O'BRIEN I thought about that. But I'd need a converter to bridge the two power cells, and I can't build a converter without an ion exchange matrix. Sisko is frustrated, but just then, Ensign Gordon ENTERS the cavern with a worried look on his face. GORDON Captain, I think we may have a problem. Garak and Nog haven't reported in yet and they're not answering my hails. Off Sisko's face... CUT TO: