174:[7,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 14. 23 CONTINUED: REMATA'KLAN I understand. Keevan looks up sharply -- was that a jab at him? But there is no hint of anything untoward in Remata'Klan's expression, only the mask of obedience. KEEVAN How long until we re-establish communications? Remata'Klan glances over at the Jem'Hadar working on the communications rig. REMATA'KLAN Seventh Yak'Talon estimates it will take at least ten days before we can attempt a low-power test. KEEVAN Ten days... Keevan closes his eyes, exhausted just by the thought. REMATA'KLAN It is time for the White. Keevan opens his eyes and motions acquiescence with his hand. Remata'Klan nods to an N.D. Jem'Hadar, who quickly brings the distinctive locked container of White over to the Vorta and sets it down on the cave floor. The case has been battered and scorched. All the Jem'Hadar start to move toward the White, eager for the next dose of the drug. Keevan works the security lock on the case. The top rises, but only Keevan can see inside the case. He looks into the case for a moment... sees something there that he knows is very bad news... but he cannot let any of the Jem'Hadar know. He proceeds with the ritual.