DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 12. 20 INT. CORRIDOR/TURBOLIFT Kira is waiting outside a turbolift, carrying a PADD. The doors finally OPEN and she ENTERS a lift that is already filled with N.D. Jem'Hadar and N.D. Cardassians. Kira nods to them and they nod to her -- they all know each other. The doors CLOSE. CUT TO: 21 INT. OPS The turbolift ENTERS Ops and Kira steps out along with Jem'Hadar and Cardassians. Ops is fully manned with Cardassians, while armed Jem'Hadar soldiers are posted at strategic points. Kira moves off to one side and sits at a console while studying her PADD. The other Cardassians and Jem'Hadar move to different stations around Ops, and relieve their counterparts -- it's a shift change in Ops, but Kira takes little note of it. A Cardassian N.D. hands her a cup of raktajino. KIRA Thanks, Mavek. This is the new morning routine and it's just another day in the office for all of them. As Kira goes about her daily routine... CUT TO: