99:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 10. 16 CONTINUED: The raft itself was evidently cobbled together from equipment, barrels, conduit, cabling, etc. scrounged from the Jem'Hadar ship. There are some pieces of Dominion & Federation equipment (phasers, tricorders, blankets, etc.) strapped to the raft, but most of the space is taken up with the unconscious form of Dax, who has been tied to the raft and covered with some kind of blanket. Sisko and the others are wet, miserable and very, very tired as they pull the heavy raft out of the hip-deep water and onto the sand. SISKO Ready... HEAVE! One more! Ready HEAVE! The raft finally comes to a stop on the sand. O'Brien, Neeley, and Sisko all collapse for a moment on the sides of the raft, their eyes closing and nearly fainting from the exertion. Bashir is not nearly as exhausted as the others and he quickly grabs a tricorder from the raft and scans Dax. SISKO (panting) How... how is she? BASHIR (off tricorder) Stable for now. (to Garak) Garak! I need a hand! Garak quickly moves to the raft and helps Bashir lift Dax out of the boat. Sisko and the others watch as they carry her up the beach, too tired to move for now. O'Brien suddenly realizes something. O'BRIEN Bloody hell! SISKO What? O'BRIEN I can't believe it! SISKO What? O'BRIEN I tore my pants.