74:[5,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rocks & Shoals" - REV. 8/15/97 - ACT ONE 8. 13 CONTINUED: (2) Remata'Klan nods thoughtfully. LIMARA'SON (continuing) You are now the First. REMATA'KLAN No. I questioned the Vorta's orders. He will not forget that. As long as he lives, I will remain Third. LIMARA'SON You were right to question him! If he hadn't ordered us into the nebula two days ago we would not have crashed on-- REMATA'KLAN (harsh) It was not my place. Remember: "Obedience Brings Victory." LIMARA'SON (chastened) "And Victory is Life." Limara'Son is suitably humbled by the reminder. Remata'Klan looks back out to sea. REMATA'KLAN Until we re-establish communications, we will hold this world for the Dominion. LIMARA'SON And if we cannot re-establish communications? Remata'Klan gives him a very direct look. REMATA'KLAN Then we will hold this world for the Dominion until we die.