DEEP SPACE NINE: "Sons and... " - REV. 7/31/97 - ACT FIVE 59A. 70 INT. BIRD OF PREY - READY ROOM - A WOODEN CASE covered with gold Klingon writing. A pair of hands open it to REVEAL the gunmetal-grey and black crest of the House of Martok. Martok's hands reverently remove it from the case and hold it above a shallow golden bowl. Reflected candle flames sparkle from its polished surface. MARTOK (O.S) Martok degh, to-Duj degh, bat-LEH degh, mat-LEH degh. (Badge of Martok, badge of courage, badge of honor, badge of loyalty.) PULL BACK TO REVEAL Martok, Worf and Alexander gathered around a low table containing the box, the bowl, a jeweled decanter and a ceremonial candle.