DEEP SPACE NINE: "Sons and... " - REV. 7/31/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 59 CONTINUED: MARTOK Maj-KKah! (well done!) Helm, on my command drop impulse power to one-third and come to course three- five-five mark zero-nine-zero. Weapons, be ready for him to pass in front of us. WORF Course laid in. N'GAREN Weapons standing by. MARTOK Now! 60 EXT. SPACE - THE COMBATANTS (OPTICAL) The Rotarran decelerates rapidly, venting plasma. Caught unawares, the pursuing Jem'Hadar attack ship whizzes past above them. As the Klingon ship pitches up, its DISRUPTORS FIRE point-blank into the Jem'Hadar, which ERUPTS into a BALL OF FLAMING DEBRIS. 61 INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE A CHEER erupts from the survivors. MARTOK Well done. Worf turns to Martok. WORF Permission to leave the bridge? MARTOK (understanding) Go. (to crew) Stand down from alert status. N'Garen, take the helm. She moves to comply as Worf quickly heads for the door.