DEEP SPACE NINE: "Sons and... " - REV. 7/31/97 - ACT FOUR 50-51. 52 INT. BIRD OF PREY - MESS HALL - NIGHT Worf sits staring at an uneaten rokeg blood pie. He's taken by surprise as a Klingon dagger slams into the table next to the plate. He looks up to see the angry face of -- 52A ALEXANDER glaring down at him. 52B WORF stands, towering above his son. WORF (angrily) You are fortunate that I am your father. If you had challenged anyone else in this manner you would be dead right now. ALEXANDER If you want me off this ship you're going to have to kill me. WORF Do not tempt me. A beat. Worf forces himself to calm down. WORF I do not want to hurt you, Alexander. I want to help you. ALEXANDER By getting rid of me? All you've ever done my whole life is send me away. WORF I am a Klingon warrior. I lead a warrior's life. That is not the path for you -- you told me that yourself. And I have come to accept it. ALEXANDER How? By ignoring me? You call yourself my father but you haven't tried to see me or talk to me in five years. Worf freezes. Alexander's words have hit home. Worf realizes his son speaks a truth he hasn't ever faced.