DEEP SPACE NINE: "Sons and... " - REV. 7/31/97 - ACT TWO 28. 26 CH'TARGH - CLOSE - ALEXANDER'S POV His mocking face leers. CH'TARGH Does the son of Starfleet's finest think he is too good to eat with us? ALEXANDER No. Have some lung. Alexander heaves his plate of food into Ch'Targh's face. ROARS OF LAUGHTER echo through the hall. Alexander smiles. Enraged, Ch'Targh wipes the food from his face, rises to his full imposing height, and tosses his chair aside. CH'TARGH I do not like your smile. Perhaps I will cut you a new one. Shaking with fear, rage and adrenalin, Alexander draws his ceremonial dagger. Ch'Targh draws his own... 27 D'H TAHG Its secondary blades spring into place. 28 ALEXANDER AND CH'TARGH Circle each other slowly. Alexander is quicker, but Ch'Targh is grounded and moves with a grace unusual in a big man. The rest of the Klingons gather around to watch, egging them on. Alexander thrusts awkwardly, as if he might trip his own feet. Ch'Targh sidesteps languidly, like a cat, easily blocks the blow, and slams an elbow into Alexander's face that sends him reeling. Infuriated, Alexander recovers and attempts to rush the bigger man. Ch'Targh again avoids the thrust, delivers a nasty but superficial cut to Alexander's cheek and dumps the boy unceremoniously to the floor. CH'TARGH (to the others) He fights like a Ferengi. Ch'Targh pauses to enjoy the ensuing laugh as Alexander regains his feet. Ch'Targh's overconfidence provides an opening through which Alexander's dagger connects, nicking his upper arm before the veteran can pivot aside.