DEEP SPACE NINE: "Sons and.. " - REV. 7/31/97 - ACT TWO 26. 23 ALEXANDER leaves food dispersal with his dinner and heads for an empty seat next to Ch'Targh. ALEXANDER Is this seat taken? 24 CH'TARGH Turns to see who would make such an un-Klingon remark. CH'TARGH Alexander Rozhenko. (carnivore's grin) We were holding it just for you. 25 ON THE TABLE - ALEXANDER'S POV The Klingons are all smiles. ALEXANDER I am honored. CH'TARGH (stands) The honor is ours. Ch'Targh pulls an empty chair out for him, wipes the seat with his glove. Several Klingons begin to snicker. CH'TARGH Please. Alexander takes the proffered chair and Ch'Targh sits down next to him. As Alexander sets his plate on the table, Ch'Targh inspects it and announces... CH'TARGH Bregit lung. An excellent choice. Like kids in a schoolyard, Klingons at other tables stop their conversations and eagerly turn to watch the sport. Ch'Targh reaches across several messmates to grab a dull metallic bottle, obsequiously uncaps it and offers it to Alexander. CH'TARGH Would you care for some grapok sauce? A few OUTRIGHT LAUGHS come from nearby, then quickly stop. Puzzled, Alexander looks over, then suspiciously regards Ch'Targh. ALEXANDER No thank you.