14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Sons and... " - REV. 7/31/97 - ACT TWO 22. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establish the station. 20 INT. DUKAT'S QUARTERS - AFTERNOON An excited Ziyal is setting the dinner table with Dukat's finest crystal and flatware as the DOOR CHIME SOUNDS. ZIYAL Come in. The door opens, revealing an unhappy Kira. ZIYAL (surprised) Nerys. You're early... I just started the ramufta. Kira reluctantly crosses the room to the table. KIRA Ziyal, I'm not having dinner with you tonight. ZIYAL (crestfallen) Oh. Ziyal stops what she's doing, fingers the glass she was about to set on the table. ZIYAL It's because of my father, isn't it? KIRA That's right. Ziyal sets the glass down, gazes at the elegantly set table. ZIYAL I thought you might back out. I was hoping I was wrong. She straightens a salad fork.