DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - ACT FIVE 52. 79 CONTINUED: ROM Yes, Brother. 80 NEW ANGLE We follow Rom as he heads for the storeroom. But before he gets too far, he sees a familiar face coming out of the shadows. Rom can't believe what he's seeing. ROM Jake? It's Jake all right, looking more serious and adult than we've ever seen him. ROM Aren't you supposed to be on the Defiant? JAKE I changed my mind. There's a war going on and I'm a reporter. This is where I belong. ROM But you're not safe here. JAKE I'm probably safer here than any of you. The Dominion knows I'm the Emissary's son. If they hurt me, they risk alienating their new "friends" the Bajorans. ROM I hope you're right. JAKE So do I. 81 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE We're still in cloak. Dax is at the helm. O'Brien and Nog are at stations. Bashir's at Sisko's side. Sisko's reading a PADD and he's clearly not happy. Sisko slams down the PADD.