DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - ACT FIVE 48. 69 CONTINUED: DAX Yes, I will marry you. Worf looks at her in surprise. DAX That's what you've wanted from the very beginning, isn't it? Worf smiles as he sees that Dax is serious. WORF It is. DAX Then as soon as this is over, we'll get married. (smiles) And if that doesn't give you a reason to survive, I don't know what will. Dax sniffs Worf, then nips his ear and EXITS. Worf watches her go and smiles. He's a lucky man. CUT TO: 70 INT. PROMENADE Sisko is addressing everyone who's not leaving the station. This includes Kira, Odo, Quark, Rom, Morn, a few shopkeepers, dabo girls and Ferengi waiters. SISKO When I first took command of this post, all I wanted was to be somewhere else. Anywhere but here. But now, five years later, this station has become my home. And you've become my family. Leaving this place, leaving you, is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. 71 OMITTED 72 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Dax and Nog watch Sisko's speech on the viewscreen.