107:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - ACT FOUR 46A. 66A CONTINUED: DUKAT Damar, signal the reserves to prepare for a final assault. Damar taps in the orders. 67 INT. OPS As before. KIRA The Dominion fleet's regrouping and I'm detecting another wave of enemy ships entering Bajoran space. WORF What are your orders, Captain? 68 CLOSE ON SISKO As he weighs his options. He knew this was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier. SISKO We've done all we can here. Notify remaining Starfleet personnel. We're evacuating the station. As as the rest of the Ops crew reacts, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR