DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - ACT THREE 32. 28 CONTINUED: (2) ROM (proudly) You see that, Nog. We've barely finished saying our vows and we're already having our first fight. We're really married. (to Leeta) You've got to go, Leeta. The problems of two newlyweds are but a small thread in the tapestry of galactic events. You might not understand that today, or even tomorrow. But someday you will. So get on that shuttle. And don't look back. (trying not to cry) Nog. Take your Moogie to the docking ring. Nog takes Leeta by the arm and guides her to the door. NOG (sincere) Nice speech, Dad. They EXIT. ROM (wistful) I thought so. 29 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko is pacing behind his desk. SISKO Computer, what's the status of program Sisko One-Nine-Seven? COMPUTER VOICE All necessary modifications have been completed. Program Sisko One- Nine-Seven is ready for implementation on your command. NOG'S COM VOICE Ops to Captain Sisko. Sir, we're receiving a message from the Cardassian border. It's General Martok. Sisko EXITS into...