155:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - ACT THREE 25. 21 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO That sounds reasonable. Of course, I'll have to discuss it first with Starfleet. WEYOUN I'm sure they'll do whatever Benjamin Sisko recommends. (smiles) For my part, I will personally speak with the Founders to secure our end of the bargain. SISKO What about Gul Dukat? WEYOUN Oh... he'll be furious... at first. But we've developed a fine working relationship. And I'm sure I can help him see the wisdom of our decision. SISKO I'll leave it in your capable hands. WEYOUN You won't be disappointed. (smiles) This is a momentous day. You and I have just taken the first step toward insuring peace between our peoples. And off Weyoun's beneficent look, we... CUT TO: 22 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Close on Sisko as he paces around the office. SISKO They're going to attack. BASHIR (to Sisko) Are you sure? SISKO I'm positive. The moment I said we weren't going to remove the mines, we both knew there'd be war. Everything else was just words. An attempt to lull the other side into a false sense of security. I didn't buy it, and I'm sure Weyoun didn't either.