DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - ACT THREE 24. 21 CONTINUED: WEYOUN (Cont'd) Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased to call them allies, but as you know, they've just been though a terrible war with the Klingons. I'm afraid it's left them somewhat... jittery. So they're understandably concerned with insuring the sovereignty of their borders. And since they're now members of the Dominion, their concerns have become our concerns. SISKO I would think by now you have more than enough ships to defend Cardassia. WEYOUN You may think that, and I may think that, but the Cardassians... SISKO I know. They're jittery. WEYOUN You see our dilemma. SISKO I'm beginning to. Weyoun pauses to think. He really wants to work something out. Then he gets an idea. WEYOUN What if we agreed to limit our convoys to cargo ships, construction units... civilian aid? Things that'll help them get their economy back on its feet. Did you know that when we arrived, children were starving on Cardassia Prime? It was heartbreaking. SISKO (playing along) I had no idea things were so bad. WEYOUN The Cardassians are a very proud people. They don't want to admit to outsiders how dire their situation really is. (a beat) So are we agreed? You remove the mines and we restrict our convoys to medical and economic assistance.